Effective Ways To Protect Your Lawn This Fall

During the spring and summer months, the grass around your home will grow extremely fast. Some homeowners fail to realize that lawn care doesn’t stop when cooler weather moves into their areas. Failing to provide your lawn with the care it needs during the fall and winter months can be disastrous.

The average residential property owner in the United States spends thousands of dollars a year on lawn care. Most homeowners view the money they pay for professional landscaping as a worthy investment. Do you want to keep your lawn healthy this fall? If so, you need to apply the tips covered below.

Don’t Forget To Water Your Lawn

The grass around your home needs a few basic things to stay healthy. Water is perhaps the most important thing grass needs to grow. One of the biggest misconceptions about fall lawn care is that watering grass isn’t necessary during this time of year. While there is more dew and rain present during this time of year, it might not be enough to properly hydrate grass roots.

If you want to make sure your grass is healthy going into the colder months of winter, then you need to realize the importance of watering it. Using a rain gauge is a great way to see how much watering you need to do. Ideally, you want your grass to get around an inch of water a week. If the rainfall in your area isn’t at least one inch, you need to make up the difference on your own.

You Can’t Put Your Mower Away Yet

Did you realize that the grass around your home will continue to grow until the first frost of the season occurs? This means that you will still need to cut it routinely to keep it healthy. Most landscaping experts recommend cutting your grass in the fall months to around three inches. Allowing your grass to get too long in fall can result in it getting matted up.

When this matting occurs, your grass will become extremely vulnerable to snow mold and other funguses. Cutting your grass too low can result in the root system getting damaged. If this system is compromised, the ability your grass has to withstand dry and frigid winter temperatures will be compromised.

Keep Leaves Off of Your Grass

The first sign that fall is rapidly approaching is leaves falling from the trees around your home. While fall foliage can be very beautiful, it can also damage your lawn. Allowing a thick layer of leaves to form on your grass can block sunlight and trap moisture. This will usually result in large patches of dead grass forming.

Instead of allowing a thick layer of leaves to damage your lawn, you need to remove fall foliage immediately. With the help of landscaping professionals, you can keep your lawn free of leaves.

As you can see, keeping your lawn healthy in the fall is no easy job. The team at Lawn Capital is here to help you maintain your grass.

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