Benefits of Preparing Your Irrigation System for Winter

When colder weather arrives, you take several steps to prepare things in and around your house. However, it is not unusual for homeowners to forget some things, such as winterizing their irrigation system. If you fail to do this, you may have to invest in expensive irrigation system repair in spring. Keep reading to learn the top benefits offered by winterizing your home’s irrigation system. 

Avoid Serious Damage 

When water freezes, it will expand. This means that 11 cubic feet of unfrozen water will turn into 12 cubic feet of ice. This type of hydro-expansion can cause severe damage to all parts of your irrigation system, including the pipes, pumps, valves, sprinklers, fittings, and more. 

To avoid this issue, the entire system needs to be drained. To ensure there is no water left behind, the pipes and components should be blown out. This will ensure that no freezing damage occurs. 

Your Warranty May Be Voided if You Fail to Winterize the System

Irrigation professionals recommend that residential and commercial property owners “blow out” the irrigation system instead of just relying on gravity to get all the water out of the valves, pipes, and other parts of the system. In fact, some irrigation services will void all labor and parts warranties in place if you do not invest in winterization services. 

Save Money and Avoid the Need for Expensive Repairs 

If your irrigation system happens to freeze, the expansion that occurs may cause some of the components to be destroyed. This means you must pay someone to provide irrigation system repairs. Sometimes, this can be extremely expensive. 

Protect the Water Coming into Your Home

A crucial part of your home’s irrigation system is backflow protection. This device helps keep contaminants from getting into your home’s tap water line that goes into your home. If the irrigation system stops working, the impurities may be sucked into the pipes. 

When the backflow prevention device is working correctly, it keeps these contaminants separate from your tap water. However, if it freezes or is damaged because of cold weather, it may seep into the tap water and harm individuals who use tap water for drinking or clean. 

Protect the Health and Beauty of Your Property

Your landscape makes up a considerable part of your home’s curb appeal. You likely spend a lot of time making your garden and landscape as appealing as possible. If your irrigation system no longer works in spring due to freezing issues, it can impact the entire look of your property. You can avoid this outcome by calling for system winterization services. 

Contact the Professionals for Help

When it comes to irrigation system winterization, you should not put off this service. Be sure to call the professionals for help to ensure the system is fully prepared for colder weather. By doing this, you can avoid all the potential issues mentioned above and others. It will also help you save time and money, which is always a good thing.

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