Great Tips For Keeping Newly Installed Sod Healthy

Has the outside of your home slowly become an eyesore? One of the biggest problems that homeowners face when trying to restore lost curb appeal is getting grass to grow. If you have tried everything to get grass seed to sprout and grow with no success, it might be time to consider the benefits of installing sod. Each year, thousands of homeowners invest in sod because it provides them with an instantly green and lush lawn.

However, once your new sod has been installed, you will need to provide it with care to ensure it takes root and starts growing. Here are some things you can do to keep your newly installed sod healthy.

Stick To a Watering Schedule

The main thing that grass needs to thrive is water. Once your new sod has been installed, it will need to be watered on a daily basis to keep it healthy. Most experts recommend watering new sod twice a day for the first nine days after it has been installed. This watering should take place first thing in the morning and late in the evening. Once you reach day 10, you can reduce the watering to once a day.

As you water your new sod, you need to make sure that moisture reaches the roots. Failing to provide your new sod with enough hydration can lead to dead patches forming. Inspecting your new sod regularly is the best way to find dry patches and address them before this problem gets worse. In most cases, fixing these issues is as easy as putting more water on the dry spots.

Fertilize Your New Sod

If you want to provide your new sod with an environment it can grow and thrive in, then using fertilizer is a must. In most cases, your soil will not contain enough nutrients to keep sod growing and healthy. This is why adding a nutrient-rich fertilizer is so important. There are tons of starter fertilizer options on the market that contain high levels of phosphorus. This phosphorus will help boost root growth. This means that your new sod will be able to take hold and start growing naturally in no time.

If you are unsure about what type of fertilizer to use on your new sod, let the team at Lawn Capital lend you a hand. Not only can we install your new sod, we can also put in irrigation and drainage systems. With our help, you can take your yard from an eyesore to the best-looking lawn on the block.

Wait to Mow Your New Sod

One of the main things most homeowners want to know about their new sod is when they can mow it. If you mow your new sod before sufficient roots have formed, you run the risk of destroying it. Generally, you need to wait at least 15 days after the sod has been installed to mow it.

Are you in the market for new sod? If so, we are here to help.

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