About Us

Landscaping Made For The Planet

0 +

One Mission

CO2 Avoided per crew
100 Mt


The Future is Sustainable

Use Zero Toxins

Never use any toxins including Roundup or glyphosate that can cause cancer.

Maintain and build bad ass landscapes with zero emission equipment and vehicles.
Never use equipment that is louder than a vacuum cleaner.

Employ exclusively electric vehicles that are appropriately sized for efficiency. We consciously avoid traditional, oversized landscaping vehicles akin to buses.

Use plants native to our region and locally sourced.

Never irrigate in the rain, convert traditional irrigation systems to smart technology and efficient set ups.

Powered by our people

Brian Gopar
Director of Operations
Maddie Scott
Director of Administration
Jose Bailon
Production Manager
Lorenzo Miller
Plan Zero Supervisor

Join The Quiet Revolution

Life at Lawn Capital

We value health, the planet, and our work.

Protect Your Health

Traditional landscaping exposes operators to fumes, toxins, and noise polution. Protect yourself.

4 Day Work Week

We operate on a 4 day production schedule.


Paid vacation, paid week off during the holidays, health insurance, and retirement plan options for all employees.