In some ways, it’s exhilarating – you see buds on trees and plants, and grass starts to get green again. You smell springtime in the air and breathe a sigh of relief as the icy chills of winter diminish.


We’re busy hauling out all of our gear and equipment and getting ready for the busy season.


It’s a reality that in landscaping, more activity happens in this particular time of year. Some industries aren’t like this – a lot of manufacturing businesses plug along day in and day out from January all the way through December, with no discernible difference, except for maybe a few holiday decorations in the hall. 


But we deal with what’s outside, and so the seasons are tremendously impactful to what we do. That’s good for the soul, in a way – and you get more vitamin D – but it also requires some special kinds of management.


All of a sudden, we’re evaluating grass and installing sod. We’re mowing and edging and performing all of that maintenance that your property needs during a growing season.


In our opinion, the best businesses handle these peak demand seasons by having versatility built into their business model – by anticipating these changes in demand and making resources work accordingly.

It’s a question of being able to think a little bit ahead. You wouldn’t think that’s so hard – but for some of those businesses, like the ones that mentioned above, plugging along day in and day out – it’s sometimes almost impossible to think further than the day ahead. 


But that’s no excuse for having a poor business model. It’s no good trying to advertise yourself as a top service in the local area if you don’t have the bandwidth to serve customers when the busy season comes.


But a strictly mediocre or generic business approach does not include this kind of versatility. You’ll call in and someone will say that crews are running weeks or months behind because “it’s busy.”


Well, when you hear things like that, you can be fairly sure that there’s no one calling the shots in terms of dynamic project management. To be sure, you will have some wait-listing – nobody’s a miracle worker – but it’s in how it’s handled that makes the difference. 


What you’ll find, though, when you call us, is thoughtful and contemplative insight on property maintenance, and everything that affects your property’s exterior, and planning for the season ahead!


Were ready for spring in a profound way, and we’re sure you are, too. Call Lawn Capital in Decatur, GA for great help with your property as we once again “get green.”

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